Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Nursing in the dirt for Jesus

God began to show me His heart and the needs of Swazi children as I served in Swaziland in the summer of 2005. One day, we went throughout the rural villages and homesteads inviting all the children we met to come to a Kid’s Club. Expecting about 75 kids at most, we were blown away when 200 kids showed up!

For the next couple of hours we taught a Bible lesson, sang, and danced; but most importantly, we gave love to these kids in desperate need of love. During this time, six boys with injured toes from walking barefoot in the bush were brought to be cared for by nurse Jessie.

As I sat in the dirt with these boys examining their hurt toes, I realized I could not only help care for them physically but I could introduce them to the One who made and knows them intimately, the King of kings. God has given me nursing as a tool to reach those in need and to expand his kingdom!

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