Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mars - the new mission field for the Lord

So after a day of thinking I decided not to go to Africa but instead move to Mars through the organization Virgle.

As you know I have a heart for those less reached and I believe Mars will be the best place for me. Not only will I be ministering to those who are moving their but I might also be able to minister to those cute little green aliens!

As the song goes:
"Jesus love the little children, all the children of the world (or in this case the universe). Red and yellow, black and white and GREEN. They are precious in His sight. Jesus love the little children (and aliens) of the world (and in this case universe)!"

Here is some more information on what I'll be doing in Mars! http://www.google.com/virgle/index.html

(Don't you love Google's April Fool's jokes?!)


Patrick Conti said...

well we're hoping you are still on your way to Swaziland! We're praying for you!

Look for updates from Dr. Beyda and the medical team we're hosting this next week!

Jessa Bo said...

Well ok...I guess I'll go to Swaziland instead of Mars ;)

I'll be excited to see what Dr. Beyda is doing with the clinic! Can't wait to join you guys in Swazi!